CRM Marketing Automation Software to Accelarate Your Sales 

Automated marketing management, powered by CRM marketing automation software

Accelarate Your Sales with Marketing Automation Tools

Automated lead management will ensure your sales and marketing teams convert leads and go above and beyond their sales quotas every time.

Marketing automation process with a lead management software such as CloudOffix is the way to go. Create automatic and targeted marketing campaigns by using Lead Automation. This will allow you to nurture your prospects in a predefined way.

For example, you have a new lead from your contacts page. You can assign this lead to a salesperson and manage an automatic marketing campaign at the same time. During the campaign, CloudOffix can send automatic emails in 2 hours, then follow up emails 7 and 14 days later to nurture the lead automatically.

  1. Lead Capture

    Capture leads automatically through contact forms, daily website visitors, landing pages, phone calls etc.

  2. Lead Qualification

    Not all leads will convert, so here is where we determine quality over quantity.

  3. Lead Scoring

    Scoring helps your sales team know when the time is right to make their move.

  4. Lead Distribution

    It’s important to send the right leads to the right salesperson in order to close the sale quickly and successfully.

  5. Lead Nurturing

    Lead automation takes out the labor associated with email nurturing, follow-up, and other tasks that come with lead management. 

    Predefine how to nurture your leads: Send introductory, follow-up and reminder emails

What is Marketing Automation?

Create automatic, targeted digital marketing campaigns with dynamic content for continuous lead generation. After landing leads, score them in your sales funnel. Not all leads will turn into sales, and so here's where your marketing strategies will come into play. Target your marketing campaigns to suit your leads such as personalized messages and keep them interested and moving through your sales funnel.

 CloudOffix Marketing Cloud - Marketing Automation

Lead Capture

Utilize marketing automation software's lead capture automation tools to gather targeted information about leads across all your channels. These automation systems streamline the process of capturing leads and come into action as soon as your sales leads enter your landing pages.

 CloudOffix Marketing Cloud - Lead Capture

Lead Qualification

With CRM marketing automation tools, give higher scores to leads who complete all contact form fields. Consequently, these fully completed leads would be classified as high-quality leads. This approach aids in filtering and prioritizing quality leads that are more likely to result in successful sales closures.

 CloudOffix Marketing Cloud - marketing automation software

Lead Scoring

With the assistance of CRM marketing automation software, lead scoring becomes an essential process akin to lead qualification. Once a lead has met the initial qualification criteria, additional factors are considered. For instance, a lead who has merely subscribed to a newsletter would receive a lower score compared to someone who demonstrates clear intent to make a purchase.

To ensure successful conversions, it's vital to strike the right balance with leads. Allowing them to remain inactive for too long might result in dropouts from the sales funnel. On the other hand, overwhelming leads can push them away. Utilizing scoring features in marketing automation software empowers your sales team to identify the ideal moment to engage with leads effectively, leading to timely and fruitful interactions.

CloudOffix Marketing Cloud - Lead Scoring

Lead Distribution

The CloudOffix CRM marketing automation software assigns quality leads to salespeople based on their positions, ensuring efficient lead distribution and quick, effective sales.

The marketing automation software empowers you to avoid uncertainty and efficiently direct appropriate leads to the designated salesperson. You can configure this process based on various guidelines such as geographic territory, specific products, or any other criteria that align with your sales venture. This streamlines the lead distribution process, optimizing productivity and increasing the chances of successful conversions.

CloudOffix Marketing Cloud - Lead Distribution

Lead Nurturing in  CRM Marketing Automation Software

In the context of lead nurturing, the utilization of CRM marketing automation tools greatly enhance the process. This software provides the necessary tools and capabilities to automate and streamline lead nurturing activities such as email campaigns, follow-ups, and overall lead management.

Implement CRM marketing automation to nurture leads through buyer journey and sales funnel stages. Automate sending introductory, follow-up, and reminder emails for consistent communication with leads.

Optimize lead nurturing with our marketing automation tools. Set up automated email sequences for personalized efficiency.

CloudOffix Marketing Cloud - CRM Marketing Automation

CloudOffix Marketing Cloud

Automate and Accelarate your Sales!