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Opt-out Fields in Contact and CRM Cards

22.02.2024 01:44:48 Ein New Features
Trackable opt-out fields on contact and CRM cards offer insights into user preferences, enabling targeted engagement analysis.

QR Scanning of Business Cards in Contact Forms

22.02.2024 01:39:20 Ein New Features
The new contact card feature automates the addition of new contacts by scanning business cards, ensuring accurate data capture and efficient contact management.

What is Contact Database Management?

15.02.2024 01:13:10 Ein Unser Blog
Contact management software serves as a centralized hub for organizing contacts, defining personas, and setting targets within a business or organization.

The Love of Customer and Employee Experience

13.02.2024 09:28:20 Ein Unser Blog
Customer experience and employee experience are terms we often hear, but did you know they're deeply intertwined?

What is KPI?

06.02.2024 03:06:22 Ein Unser Blog