Total AI: Redefining of Artificial Intelligence

Centralize your data for more intelligent AI

Nesli Han Diken

Total AI: Redefining of Artificial Intelligence

Centralize your data for more intelligent AI

20 October 2023 , Explore the World of CloudOffix

Where Does AI Stand in Business?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around for some time, but its significant impact on our daily lives has only become evident today. We now use AI-driven tools like ChatGPT and Alexa in our routines. A decade ago, chatbots existed, but their efficiency was limited. Today, the landscape has evolved drastically.

AI is revolutionizing our lifestyles and business operations. It functions as a vast reservoir of information, processing data in ways that emulate human cognitive capabilities.

Its omnipresence is notable, from our phones and computers to even our cars. Its adaptability and versatility mark it as a transformative force across many facets of modern life. But what's the role of AI in the business world?

In contemporary business practices, AI is indispensable. Employing techniques such as deep learning, data analysis, and computer vision, AI serves as an invaluable assistant in various sectors.

Consider sales forecasting: AI utilizes historical data and market trends to generate precise predictions. In personalized marketing, AI algorithmically assesses customer behavior and preferences, facilitating the creation of highly targeted campaigns. The potential examples are numerous.

Today, AI's impact extends far beyond routine tasks. How did it become so integrated into our lives? The answer lies in four simple letters: DATA.

How to Make Better Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Think of AI as a brain that's hungry for a nourishing diet of data to become smarter. The more data it devours, the sharper it gets. However, if you feed it too little or messy data, it won't be as clever, and its decisions might not be top-notch. So, data is super crucial for enhancing AI's capabilities, including machine learning.

Numerous platforms claim to collaborate with AI, but most of them rely on just one data source. It's akin to having only one book to learn from.

However, if that book lacks essential information, your AI might not make the best decisions. AI excels at processing data, but it can't do much if the data isn't up to snuff. Thus, gathering high-quality data and ensuring it's the right kind are vital components of making AI truly impressive.

This blend of AI with human intelligence, all guided by clever systems and fancy AI models, is like taking a big leap in how we mix tech and people. It's like opening new doors to cool ideas and working smarter, especially in the world of machine learning.

The Main Focus is Total Experience (TX)

Total AI Experience, is a fresh approach that centers on the idea of prioritizing people in all business interactions. Whether it's customers, employees, users, or partners, TX aims to make sure that everyone has an outstanding and memorable experience.

It's a comprehensive strategy that aims to make every point of connection with the business more enjoyable for all parties involved.

At its core, TX consists of four crucial elements that make up a holistic approach to optimizing the overall experience:

  • Customer Experience (CX)

  • Employee Experience (EX)

  • Digital Experience (DX)

  • User Experience (UX)

In the TX world, it's super important to make data connections work seamlessly, whether it's across different departments or for both your internal and external customers. Total experience is simply about blending data to create interactions that feel easy, meaningful, and valuable for all involved.

TX strategy is not just a concept; it's a smart strategy that transforms how businesses connect with people, fostering long-lasting relationships and ensuring ongoing success.

Your CRM may feature the most advanced AI, but does the CRM AI also possess insights about your marketing efforts? Furthermore, can your HR AI engage in a conversation with Sales AI to formulate the most effective salesperson profile?

Eyes Turn Towards Total AI Experience (TX)

Here's the scoop: If your business units, such as HR, sales, marketing, project management, and invoicing, don't work together smoothly, you're missing out on a lot. So, why not jump on board with a total-experience platform where everything just clicks together, like CloudOffix?

Sure, you could juggle different tools and sprinkle a bit of AI magic on them. But what if the AI in sales speaks a different language than the AI in marketing? You can feed them data from one spot, but data likes to flow in from all over the place. Keeping it all in harmony is quite a task because data is at the heart of AI.

When you're making the leap from the regular digital world to Total AI, it's crucial that your data acts like one big happy family. Data is what Total AI thrives on. That's where total experience platforms step in.

What does Total Experience do for AI?

Well, it brings all your data from sales, CRM, HR, marketing, projects, help desk, social messaging, invoicing, and e-commerce together. It handles all the important stuff your business makes. The best part? It's all naturally connected, so you don't need to worry about extra integrations.

Imagine how easy this makes your life. Data is always important, but with AI, it's super-duper important. The more data AI has, the better it gets.

If you use a bunch of separate tools, you won't get that big data magic. Your data will be all over the place, and you'll spend more money and time trying to figure it all out. Nobody wants that, right?