Enhanced Request Management

Introducing Dynamic Status Tracking for Employee Requests!

Nesli Han Diken

Enhanced Request Management

Introducing Dynamic Status Tracking for Employee Requests!

02 October 2023 , New Features

At Cloudoffix, we're dedicated to simplifying your request management processes. Today, we're excited to introduce a feature that adds a new layer of efficiency and clarity to your employee requests. Say hello to the Employee Request Progress Section with Dynamic Status!

Progress Section

Keep your employee requests organized and on track with the new Progress Section. Now, you can easily monitor the status and progress of each request, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks. You can set Deadline, Complete Date and Status from Progress group on Employee Request creation page and manage the status dynamically.

Progress SectionDynamic Status
Say goodbye to manual status updates. Our Dynamic Status feature automatically sets the status of each request based on its deadline and completion date. No more guesswork; it's all automated for you.

Status Definitions
In Progress: If the current date is before the deadline and no completion date is set, the request status is automatically set as 'In Progress.'
Completed on Time: When the completion date is on or before the deadline, the status is automatically set as 'Completed on Time.'
Late Completed: If the completion date is after the deadline, the status is updated to 'Late Completed.'
Expired: When the current date surpasses the deadline, and no completion date is set, the status changes to ‘Expired.’

Denied and Canceled Requests: The status rules don't apply to denied and canceled requests, ensuring accurate tracking. We've implemented a cron job to regularly update request statuses based on the defined rules. This automation ensures that you always have real-time visibility into the progress of each request. With Dynamic Status, you can hold team members accountable for meeting deadlines and ensuring timely completion of requests. It's a game-changer for request management.