Going Beyond Traditional Voice of Customer

Expanding Perspectives: Voice of Employee in Focus

Mertcan Aybaş

Going Beyond Traditional Voice of Customer

Expanding Perspectives: Voice of Employee in Focus

06 Ekim 2023 , Blog

 Voice of the Customer (VoC)

Voice of the Customer (VoC) is like listening to what your customers have to say and overseeing the customer journey. It's an important step for businesses to understand how their customers feel and what they need. Voice of the Customer (VoC) helps companies learn if there are problems or opportunities to make their customers happier.

But there's a limit to what VoC can do. It's good at pointing out issues, but it doesn't always tell you why these problems happen or how to fix them. VoC is just the beginning; to provide the best experiences, you need to take it a step further.

Why VoC is Important

VoC helps businesses know what their customers think and feel. It's like a starting point to make things better. By listening to customers, companies can find areas where they can improve, fix issues, and create happier customers. But, VoC alone doesn't always show the complete picture or the reasons behind the problems.

Customer insights, often collected through Voice of the Customer (VoC) programs, are undeniably essential. They provide a direct line to understanding what your customers want and need and how they perceive your brand. These insights are invaluable for identifying pain points, improving products and services, and enhancing overall satisfaction.

However, customer insights alone have limitations. They can pinpoint issues but may not always reveal the underlying causes or the most effective solutions. Relying solely on customer feedback can lead to a partial understanding of the bigger picture.

Employee Retention

Voice of the Employee (VoE)

The Employee Perspective: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle 

Voice of the Employee (VoE) is similar to VoC, but it's all about what your employees think and feel. Just like with customers, it's important to listen to your employees because they play a big role in creating great experiences.

This is where Voice of the Employee (VoE) enters the scene as a vital complement to VoC. Employees, often referred to as the heart of an organization, offer a unique and valuable perspective.

Here's why VoE matters in Unified Experience Management:

Insights from the Frontline: Employees often have valuable insights because they interact directly with customers and see what works and what doesn't. Their feedback can highlight issues that need attention and suggest ways to improve.

Employee Satisfaction: Happy employees are more likely to provide excellent service and contribute to a positive customer experience. By understanding their needs and concerns through VoE, you can create a more engaged and motivated workforce.

Innovation: Employees can be a source of innovation. When they're encouraged to share ideas and solutions, they can help the company find new ways to enhance the customer experience and streamline processes.

Alignment: VoE can help align your employees with the company's goals and values. When employees feel heard and valued, they are more likely to work towards common objectives, ensuring a consistent and cohesive brand experience.

Employee Retention: High turnover can be costly. VoE can identify issues that might be causing employees to leave and allow you to take steps to improve retention.

Why Combining Customer and Employee Insights Matters

Listening to customer feedback and understanding employee experiences are crucial steps in aligning our organization with overall expectations. This process is akin to having a meaningful conversation with both customers and employees, ensuring everyone's satisfaction. 

By delving into the customer and employee journey through insightful interviews, you gain valuable insights into their expectations. This, in turn, enables you to enhance their experiences, ultimately leading to an increase in customer and employee satisfaction.

This holistic approach to customer and employee engagement fosters a more harmonious and successful organization overall.

The Synergy of Insights

When businesses combine customer and employee insights, they gain access to a comprehensive and holistic understanding of their operations. Here's why this synergy is crucial:

Root Cause Analysis: Combining customer and employee feedback helps identify not just the symptoms but also the underlying causes of issues. This leads to more effective solutions.

Innovation and Continuous Improvement: VoE stimulates innovation by tapping into the creativity and expertise of employees. These fresh ideas can drive improvements in customer experiences.

Employee Engagement: Engaged employees provide better service and positively influence customer satisfaction.

Alignment and Consistency:Total Experience Management ensures that employees are aligned with the organization's objectives, promoting a consistent brand experience.

Reduced Churn and Enhanced Loyalty: By addressing both customer and employee concerns, businesses can reduce customer churn and enhance brand loyalty.

A well-structured Voice of the Customer (VoC) program is the linchpin to unifying customer and employee insights. Through avenues like online surveys, live chat interactions, and customer interviews, we gather invaluable VOC data that illuminates customer expectations and pain points. This data not only highlights areas where our products or services excel but also identifies pain points that require attention. Simultaneously, it provides a platform for survey responses, enabling customers to share their experiences and preferences.

However, it's important to note that the benefits of this program extend beyond the immediate customer service realm. Employee engagement and their Voice of the Employee (VoE) are integral parts of this equation. Employees often possess unique perspectives on the customer journey, having direct interactions with clients. By incorporating employee experiences, we gain a comprehensive understanding of our organization's strengths and weaknesses.

Fostering a culture of listening and improvement throughout the entire organization is pivotal. It's not just about isolated customer service interactions; it's about creating an environment where every employee feels empowered to contribute their insights. This holistic approach results in a more profound understanding of our operations, enabling us to consistently deliver exceptional experiences. Ultimately, it's this comprehensive strategy that sets us apart and propels our success in today's experience-driven economy.


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