Low-code vs No-code

What is the low-code vs no-code battle all about?

Burcin Topal

Low-code vs No-code

What is the low-code vs no-code battle all about?

19 Nisan 2021 , Blog

Low-code and no-code, are platforms which use visual interfaces to enable users to develop their own business solutions without the need for substantial coding knowledge. We often see these two terms mentioned together because they are similar to an extent.

The difference between these two code development platforms? It’s all in the name. As their names imply, low-code does require some coding knowledge, while no-code usually uses drag and drop method, requiring no coding knowledge at all.

Low code is like putting together blocks of lego such as maybe the roof or wall of windows as you build your lego house. You need some knowledge regarding what a house typically looks like. No-code however, is similar to getting the 'ready-made' lego house and placing it straight into your lego neighborhood. 

As with everything else, each method comes with advantages and disadvantages. Lets explore these terms in respect to developing and CRM platforms.

What is low-code?

When Low-code technology appeared, it was exciting. Because this new technology enabled business users and executives to code their own programs to an extent with a hand at app development. Software development approach that requires little to no coding. It provides a development environment used to create apps and workflows through graphical user interfaces, admin panels and configuration settings instead of coding from scratch. 

The term low-code was coined by Gartner in 2014, who theorized it to become a turning point in application development.

This means professional developers have shortcuts given to them when writing long codes to them such as dragging and dropping visual blocks of existing code into a workflow to create applications.

Advantages of Low-code

What’s the low-down on the upside of Low-code? 

Speed: Save valuable time. Build apps that are ready for use simultaneously for more than one platform in days or hours instead of weeks or months.

More resources: because it doesn’t need specialized experience, anyone with some coding knowledge can set it up. 

Integration and Customization: Seamless integration with other applications and customize to suit your needs.

Disadvantages of Low-code

This new method sounds easy, but it could take time to adjust to and master. It may be hard to change them with the platform later. 

Although you’re utilizing chunks of pre-written code to fit into your apps, low-code requires some coding knowledge to be able to integrate them.

If you’re lacking development knowledge, you may run into some challenges with integration where you would need some coding knowledge. In this case you would incur extra costs to outsource a developer to integrate it for you.

What is no-code?

No-code platforms, as evident from the name, require zero coding skills. Like the low-code platform, it also uses drag drop interface, but doesn’t require any coding at all. Simple drag and drop interfaces allow the user to do exactly that – drag and drop. Examples of such interfaces are website builders, blogging platforms and e-commerce websites which are readily available prebuilt pages.

So basically, in the case of no-code, everything the user may need has been thought of by the vendor. The user can enter the world of digital transformation esily with their newly adopted low code development platforms.

Advantages of No-code

No-code platforms require very little training, therefore offers the freedom and functionality of anyone in your organization to build an app, given your business finance department approves the expenses. These code application platforms present opportunities for citizen developers to make their own simple apps without the need for hand coding. 

Disadvantages of No-code

On the downside of no-code, people with little or no IT knowledge can be developing apps. This could result in security concerns, compliance issues, integration issues and the increased expenses to correct the mishaps.


Low-code vs no-code

To Low-code or No-code? That is the question!

Both platforms were built with speed in mind. So how do you choose one over the other?

No-code is probably a good choice if you’re a small business, or have no development training, are looking at developing very simple applications requiring minimal to no customization. 

Low-code, although not as easy as no-code, allows you to build user-friendly responsive apps. Since low-code requires some coding knowledge, your security risks and compliance issues will be obsolete.

With low-code, you’re not totally restricted, so you can develop stand alone mobile and web apps which may require integration with other systems and data sources. 

What's to come in the Future?

Low-code usage areas are primarily business workflow applications, mobile front ends and web site front ends. 

With the continual need for enterprise growth and fast development and specifix busiiness needs, low code would be a platform which is highly sought after . However, despite its popularity, it will never entirely replace traditional development.

The use for low-code in the future will however increase due to its ease of use. Traditional development will always continue, after all, it is the building blocks of low and no codes.

CloudOffix and Low-code Platform:

CloudOffix offers unlimited customization to help you build your enterprise applications around your customer needs. At CloudOffix we use Python among many programming languages. All your rapid application development requirements for your business process management can be met with CloudOffix. Low code features in CloudOffix can help you streamline your CRM initiatives by customizing existing apps and workflows, and create new apps around customers. 

All apps and features can be fully customized in line with the business requirement. Each company has it's own business process. It is possible to create customer workflows and business processes. 

Perhaps you’ve tried many CRM systems and haven’t been satisfied. Try CloudOffix. Our first and fully customizable CRM system in the cloud.