How to Create a Meeting

Create Meetings in Minutes with CloudOffix:

Starting with the app drawer screen, click Calendar.

CloudOffix App Drawer - Calendar App

In the calendar view, click on the ‘New’ button which is located at the top left corner.

CloudOffix Calendar View - New Button

On the pop-up screen, give your meeting a name.

Then choose your attendees from the field below, simply by either typing names of your attendees, or, by choosing from the drop down list.

Let’s fill in the meeting details, located in the first tab.

Meeting Tab

Beginning with starting date, time, and duration.

You can place tags on your meetings which will help in finding them again easily at a later date.

Set reminders for yourself.

Write a description for your meeting.

If the meeting is physical, set a location,

Meeting Location

If your meeting is online, and if your account has Zoom and /or Microsoft Teams integrations, you can create a link from the relevant tab.

Click onto the ‘option’ tab, to create a recurrence for your meetings that are held at regular intervals.

Meeting Recurrences

To do this, click the checkbox labelled ‘Recurrent’ for a menu to be revealed.

Fill in these fields to meet your requirements. For example, for regular weekly meetings, you would choose ‘repeat every’ 1, then ‘Week’ and then choose the relevant day.

Recurrence intervals

You can choose your privacy level for your meetings. If your meeting is public enough to be seen by anyone, then you could choose ‘everyone’ for example.

Click ‘Save’ for your invitations to be automatically sent out to all attendees.

Save Meeting

On the Invitations tab, you can see the status such as accepted or declined of all attendees.

View meeting in calendar

Your meeting is now visible on your calendar.

You can drag the meeting to another day or time to change it. Or you can drag from the top or bottom to either lengthen or shorten the duration of your meeting without having to go back into the meeting creation screen.

Congratulations! You have just created a meeting.