How to Create a Subscription Product

Create one of the many variations of a product - Subscription

Click on the ‘Sales’ app, located under the Sales Cloud, in the App Drawer screen.

CloudOffix App Drawer - Sales App

Fig. 1: CloudOffix App Drawer page, Click the Sales App to begin.

In the Sales dashboard screen, click on the ‘Catalog’ menu and find ‘Products’.

Find Products under the Catalog Menu

Fig. 2: Find Products under the Catalog Menu.

The products dashboard lists all products currently in the system. The filters may be used to find specific products in the system and also save favorite searches.

Click ‘New’ to begin creating a new product.

Click the New button

Fig. 3: Click the New button.

The next screen is where the details about the new product are added. The ‘Product Name’ field is mandatory and must be filled to be able to save the product.

Below the ‘Product Name’ field are some options about the nature of the product.

State whether the product:

Can be sold,

Can be purchased,

Can be expensed, or,

Is a subscription

Select the nature of the product

Fig. 4: Select the nature of the product.

Under the ‘General Information’ tab, complete the general information about the product such as Product Type, which can be ‘Consumable’, ‘Service’, or ‘Stockable Product’.

Product type

Fig. 5: Product type.

Move on to ‘Category’ field, where the products are categorized. The option to create and edit new categories allows for as many categories as necessary to be created.

Enter a Sales price and cost for the product in the stated fields.

Product Category

Fig. 6: Product Category.

Select a Unit of Measure from the drop down list. The Purchase Unit of Measure will be updated automatically to match the ‘Unit of Measure’ by the system.

Unit of Measure

Fig. 7: Unit of Measure.

Select a template for the subscription to run by. Examples in the system are ‘Monthly’ and ‘Yearly’, however the option to create and edit a new template

Subscription Template

Fig. 8: Subscription Template.

The invoicing tab has all the invoicing information divided into receivables and Payables to include vendors if the product ‘Can be Purchased’. Set the invoicing policy to apply for the subscription product whether it will be prepaid or postpaid.

Invoicing tab

Fig. 9: Invoicing tab.

Once every detail about the product has been entered into the system, click ‘Save’.

Save the product


Fig. 10: Save the product.

The product information can be viewed on the product card. The chatter on the right side of the card now shows the product has been created.

The smart buttons on the top of the card show more information about the product.


The product card


Fig. 11: The product card.

Congratulations! You have just created a subscription product.