Configuring the CRM App

Configure the CRM Ap

Click on the CRM App to begin. Before we begin with the app, let’s explore the configuration menu.

Click on ‘Settings’ which will open the CRM settings screen which we will examine by each heading.

Leads: click this option to add qualifications step(s) leading up to the opportunities stage. Activating this option will reveal another option for name generation.

Auto generate names for leads: the system will automatically generate names for newly created leads. Select placeholders for automatic name generation.

Show contact form on website: show the contact us form on the website for visitors to complete and become new leads.

Contact Form:

Sales Channel:
Select the sales channel to be default for new leads created through the Contact Us Form.

Sales Person: Assign a salesperson responsible for new leads created through the Contact Us Form.

Auto generate names for opportunities: In the same manner as auto generate names for leads, the system generates names for opportunities automatically by given template. Select placeholders for automatic name generation.

Manual Assignation of Incoming Emails: Emails received to this address generate new leads not assigned to any sales channel yet. When this setting is enabled, a custom alias must be entered from the field that opens. If the Leads setting is not enabled, this option is not visible.

Phone Formatting: Will format phone numbers based on national conventions.


Next item under the ‘Configuration’ menu is ‘Sales Channels’ click this item to navigate to the Sales Channels dashboard. From here, we can create new Sales Channels by clicking the ‘’New’ button.


Sales Channel: The name field is compulsory.

Quotations: check this if your business requires you to send quotations to your customers rather than confirming orders straight away. Checking this field will also add action buttons to your dashboard, adds Quotations button to sales channel dashboard under Sales Menu.

Pipeline: check this box to manage a presales process with opportunities. If this option is enabled, new fields are opened: email Alias, Accept emails from, default sales person.

Leads: This box is visible if the Pipeline box is checked. Check this box to filter and qualify incoming requests as leads before converting them into opportunities and assigning them to a salesperson. This option does not appear when the leads setting is not enabled on the Configuration -> Settings page.

Tip: The button on the dashboard seen when clicking on Sales Channels menu turns to Sales Orders button when Leads, Quotations and Pipeline options are not active. If even one of the selected checkboxes is pipeline, the button on the dashboard is displayed as Pipeline. Quotations button is also displayed when only Quotations option is active.

Channel Type: The channel type defines the resources the channel uses.

Channel Leaders: Select the leaders for this channel

Email Alias: The name of the email alias. E.g.,

Accept Emails From: Policy to post a message on the document using the mail gateway.

-        Everyone: This option allows access to a particular record or feature to be open to all users, including those who are not authenticated or logged into the system. It provides the broadest level of access.

-        Authenticated Partners: Authenticated Partners typically refer to external parties or entities that have some form of authentication or login access to your Cloudoffix system. This group may include customers, vendors, or other external stakeholders who have user accounts in your Cloudoffix instance. Choosing this option restricts access to only those individuals who have logged into the system.

-        Followers only: In Cloudoffix, you can "follow" specific records, such as CRM opportunities or documents. When you choose "Followers only," it means that only users who are following that particular record will have access to it. Followers are typically users who have explicitly expressed interest in or are tracking the progress of that record.

-        Authenticated Employees: This option limits access to authenticated employees within your organization. In other words, only users who have valid employee accounts and have logged into Cloudoffix will be able to access the record or feature with this permission setting. This is often used to restrict sensitive information to internal employees only.


Default Sales person: the sales person who is assigned to this channel and will receive all notifications

There are two tabs at the bottom of the page: Team members and Dashboard.

Team Members Tab: Click Add to add members from the pop up screen showing the list of internal users or create new members.


Dashboard Tab: The dashboard tab has certain settings for the invoicing target to be displayed and the way the graphs should behave on the dashboard. It plays a role in editing the graphics on the existing Kanban cards on the Sales -> Sales Channels page.

Set Invoicing Target: Set an invoicing target for this sales channel by clicking this box,

Invoicing Target: Set the amount the sales channel estimates to invoice this month. This is the target invoiced revenue for the current month.

Graph: Select the information to be displayed by the graphs on this channel.

Content: The graph this channel will display in the dashboard

Expected to Close: The time period this channel’s dashboard graph will consider.

Group by: How this channel’s dashboard will group the results.

The following item in the Configuration menu is ‘Activity Types’.

The current Activity Types are the different types of activities that can be assigned to users for execution throughout the system, such as phone calls, sending emails, or meetings. Previously created and current Activity Types are displayed in the dashboard.

Click ‘New’ to create a new Activity Type.

The name field is mandatory.

Category: Selecting a category will trigger certain behavior such as opening the calendar. This occurs when the category selected is ‘meeting’ and the activity type requires the calendar to be opened.

Model: Select a model if the activity type is to be exclusive to a certain model and not available when creating activities for other models.

Summary: write a summary about the activity type.

Icon: set an icon for the activity type

# Days: The number of days before executing the activity. This allows for planning deadlines.

Recommended Next Activities: Activities to be recommended after completing the selected activity type. For example, if the activity is email, perhaps phone call could be selected as recommended activity to ensure the user follows up with the email sent.

Back in the configuration menu list is ‘Stages’ located under the Leads and Opportunities subheading.

This is where the stages for lead and opportunity pipelines are created and displayed.

From this screen, the stages can be edited by clicking onto stages and clicking edit in the following screen. Their sequences can also be changed simply by dragging and dropping by the cross on their left hand side.

Create a new stage by clicking the ‘New’ button on the top of the screen.

Stage Name: This is a mandatory field

Type: The type for the stage can be either Lead or Opportunity. This is a compulsory field.

Teams: Select the sales channel which can see the stage.

Folded In Pipeline: The stage will be folded by default in the Kanban view, with or without record.

Change Probability Automatically: When this option is set, the value entered in the Probability field automatically updates the probability field under the Lead name when any lead is converted to opportunity.  

Is Lost Stage: This will mark the end of the pipeline, meaning it has reached the end of the sales journey without making sale.

Next menu item in the Configuration menu is Lead Tags. Click to navigate to the Lead Tags dashboard where a list of previously created tags can be found.

Lead Tags are used for filtering through leads and dividing them into various groups such as departments, or teams.

Click the ‘New’ button at the top of the screen to create a new Lead Tag.

The Name field is compulsory.

Color Index: The number in this field denotes the color in which the tag will appear.

Lost Reasons is the next item in the Configuration menu. This is where the reasons for losing a lead are listed.

Create a new Lost reason by clicking the ‘New’ button.

Name: Write the lost reason in the name field, which is mandatory.

Active: click this button if the lost reason is to be activated for use.

The next sub heading within the Configuration Menu is Resellers which consists of Partner Level and Partner Activations.

These resellers are used in the ‘Contacts’ module to mark the contact as a reseller/partner. This is done under the ‘Partner Assignation’ tab in a Contacts Card.

Partner Level: Create Levels of partnerships for your resellers. For example, Gold, Silver, Bronze, etc. These will be visible in the contact cards, under the Partner Assignation tab.

Level Weight: This field determines probability to assign leads to this partner. Higher the level, higher the probability of assigning leads. 0 means no assignment. This field will be filled automatically in the contacts card according to the setting given here.

Sequence: Determine the positioning of the level where visible such as contact card Partner Assignation tab -> level drop down list.

Active: Click this button to activate the partner level.

Partner Activations: Mark partner activations by setting names here. This is then selected in a drop down list in the contacts card under the Partner Assignation tab.