How to Create an Event
Create and Publish Your Upcoming Events with CloudOffix
Beginning with the CloudOffix App drawer home page, click the Events button located in the Marketing drawer.
Fig. 1: App Drawer – Events button
In the next screen, Click the ‘New’ button.
Fig 2. ‘New’ button
Name your event – this is a mandatory field, which means the system will not allow you to proceed to the next section if it is empty.
Fig. 3: Mandatory Field
When I select ‘online’, you can see that the location fields disappear, and these organizer and responsible fields are filled automatically.
The system also permits for hybrid events by selecting both physical and online simultaneously as shown below.
Fig. 4: Online, Physical or Hybrid event choices
Click the Create Webinar on Zoom button to retrieve the join URL’s for both attendees and the presenter.
Fig. 5: Join URL links
Even if you don’t have a Zoom integration as your webinar application, when the event is set to ‘Online’, this Join URL field is always here so you can copy and paste the Join URL of the application used.
Fig. 6: Use Join URL field even if you don’t have zoom or Microsoft Teams integrations
Now let’s set the date and time for our event.
Fig. 7: Set Date and time. Don’t forget the time zone!
Don’t forget to set the Time zone also for the registration because this is very important if you’re inviting attendees from differing time zones. The .ics file for the invitations that are sent to your attendees are set according to this time zone. The date and time are also displayed on our website according to this time zone.
The column on the right has some settings such as Twitter hashtag and autoconfirm, which are self-explanatory.