OKR - Performance Excellence Framework

Optimize Your Goals: Mastering Success with Cloudoffix OKR

Unlock the potential of your business with Cloudoffix OKR – a robust Objective and Key Results management feature designed to propel your organization towards unprecedented success. Streamline your strategic planning, align your teams, and elevate performance effortlessly.


For Executives and Leaders

  • Drive organizational alignment by setting and tracking high-level objectives.

  • Foster a culture of transparency and accountability.

For Managers

  • Align team goals with broader organizational objectives.

  • Monitor progress and provide timely feedback to keep teams on track.

For Team Members

  • Clearly understand individual and team objectives.

  • Contribute directly to the company's overall success.

Use Case

Cloudoffix OKR is ideal for:

  • Establishing and tracking company-wide goals.

  • Aligning departmental objectives with the organization's mission.

  • Enhancing collaboration and communication across teams.

  • Empowering employees to contribute meaningfully to strategic initiatives.


Strategic Alignment

  • Align organizational goals with individual and team objectives.

  • Ensure everyone is working towards a common mission.

Transparency and Accountability

  • Foster a culture of transparency by making goals visible to all.

  • Enhance accountability through clear tracking and progress updates.

Data-Driven Decision-Making

  • Utilize real-time insights to make informed decisions.

  • Identify areas of improvement and optimization.

Employee Engagement

  • Empower employees by providing visibility into their contributions.

  • Recognize and reward achievements, boosting morale

Efficiency and Focus

  • Streamline efforts by prioritizing key objectives.

  • Reduce wasted resources on tasks that do not align with strategic goals.

Problem Definition and Solutions:

  • Objectives serve as proactive solutions to identified challenges.

  • Encourage a problem-solving mindset, with goals addressing specific issues through strategic planning and execution.

Key Features

OKR Framework Components : OKR is a goal management framework that helps individuals, teams or an entire company to achieve their goals through measurable results. The OKR Framework has four main components.

  • Sessions : Sessions are developed in recognition of the principle in the OKR methodology. This reflects intervals of time that focus on a particular period or cycle. Within Cloudoffix OKR, the Sessions provide users with the ability to associate their goals with specific timeframes and track progress within these designated periods. This enables teams and organizations to effectively manage their strategic plans by concentrating on specific objectives during defined time intervals.  Most often, an Session interval of three months (a quarterly session cycle) is chosen.

CloudOffix Support OKR

  • Objectives : Objective refers to the process of defining a specific, and strategic point of success that your organization or team aims to achieve within a specified timeframe. The Objective allows users to clearly define and share these objectives, enabling the entire team to focus on the same goal. This facilitates individuals and teams in working in alignment with the overall mission of the organization, providing a guide on the path to success. Writing a powerful objective begins with identifying the problem users would like to solve, or problem statement. So to create an objective users can follow the following list : 

    • Compile a comprehensive list of problems and prioritize them, identifying those requiring immediate solutions.

    • Foster alignment within the group and establish a shared understanding of company goals by consistently asking "so what" during discussions.

    • Keep in mind that the primary purpose of an objective is to propel a team or organization forward in a desired direction. Successful achievement of an objective should result in measurable progress.

    • Transform identified problem statements into actionable objectives to effectively address challenges and drive progress.

    Example Objective : Grow Revenue from existing accounts.    
            CloudOffix - Support - Example Objective

  • Key Results: Key Result is a quantitative component that allows the measurement of whether a defined Objective has been achieved or not. It represents specific points of success set for each Objective. The Key Result within Cloudoffix OKR provides users with the capability to define and track these measurable outcomes. This enables organizations or teams to clearly see how close they are to achieving their goals and manage the process of reaching strategic objectives more effectively. Example Key Result : Increase monthly recurring revenue from $500K to $1M. 

CloudOffix - Support - Key Results

  • Initiatives : Initiatives represent the strategic activities, projects, or tasks that your organization or team will undertake to achieve defined objectives. This feature provides users with comprehensive control over defining action plans for goals, allocating resources, and evaluating progress. Initiatives support users in clearly defining the steps in the process of reaching specific objectives and monitoring the effectiveness of these steps. The successful completion of these tasks alone is not sufficient; what truly matters is whether the success criteria (key results) have been achieved or not. Example Initiative : Launch a personalized customer engagement initiative to enhance relationships with existing accounts. 

CloudOffix - Support - Initiatives

  • Updates: Users can modify key result values for their selected Key Result Type using the Update KR (Update Key Results) button. The Cloudoffix OKR performs progress calculations based on these updates. This process allows organizations or teams to understand the dynamic progress in reaching their objectives and use this information for strategic decision-making. Updating key results provides users with effective control to update key result values and calculate progress based on these updates.

    CloudOffix - Support - Updates

  • Automated Reminders and Notifications: The "Automated Reminders and Notifications" feature in Cloudoffix OKR empowers users to create activities for Key Result owners at selected frequencies. These activities serve as automated reminders, ensuring that owners are informed when the designated time arrives. For example, users can set up a recurring activity to remind Key Result owners every Tuesday to update or check their progress. When the specified time for the activity occurs, Cloudoffix OKR sends notifications to the Key Result owners, keeping them on track and enhancing accountability. This feature streamlines the communication process, minimizes the risk of missing important updates, and contributes to the overall efficiency of goal management within the organization. 



CloudOffix - Support - Automated Reminders and Notifications

User Manual

Prerequisite(s) : To activate the OKR Module, admin users must install the "OKR" module under the Apps page.

CloudOffix - Support - User Manual
Access Rights: There are two different OKR users. OKR-User and OKR-Manager. It can be said that OKR-User is generally limited to viewing information and updating Key Results and is also restricted by existing visibility rules, while OKR-Manager has more extensive privileges in these modules and has the right to create, edit, delete sessions, goals and key results, and to override existing visibility rules. 

      CloudOffix - Support - Access Rights

      *Update : Refers to the ability to make progress with the Update KR button in Key Results. 
      Visibility Rules : As mentioned in the explanations below, there are 4 fields for Objective and Session (All Company, By Department, By Employee, By Employee Tag) and one for Key Result (Owner) to determine visibility. There is no hierarchical restriction on the views set by the user. The purpose of this is to provide collaboration between teams. This can be understood much better with the following example:

      CloudOffix - Support - Access Rights
      - Users can start the related definitions by clicking OKR module in HR Cloud area in App Drawer.

      CloudOffix - Support - App Drawer
      - The Sessions page welcomes users. They can see the sessions they have created before, edit them and create a new one by clicking New button.
      CloudOffix - Support - Sessions
          - The fields on the new session creation page mean the following:
              Name : Can give a name for the related session
              Parent Session : Can select another session and add the current session as a sub-session
              Cadence : It can choose how often the Key Results under the Session will be updated. According to this selection, activity is created for the owners of the Key Results under     the session.
              Start Date : Session start date can be selected.
              End Date : Session end date can be selected.
              Visible To : You can choose to whom the Session will be visible.
                  All Company : Visible to all company employees.
                  By Department : It will be visible to the selected departments.
                  By Employee : It will be visible to selected employees.
                  By Employee Tag : It will be visible to the selected employee tag.
              Sub-sessions Stat Button : Users can create new sessions under the related session.
              OKRs Stat Button : Users can create OKRs for the related session.
              Start Session Button : Users can start the related session by clicking the Start Session button (switches from State Draft to In Progress).

          CloudOffix - Support - Sessions

          Tip : Users cannot Update Key Result without starting the session.

          - Users can create Objective by using the stat button in Session or with OKR menu item.

          - Users can view and edit the objectives they have already created on the OKR page and create a new objective by clicking the New button.

          CloudOffix - Support - OKRs

              Session : Users can select the Session under which they wants to create an OKR.

          Tip : If an OKR is created by clicking the OKRs stat button in Session, the Session field is automatically filled with the related session.

              Title : Users can give Title for the related OKR.
              Parent : User can select another OKR and add the current OKR as a Child Objective.
              Owner Type : User can choose who the OKR will be visible to.
                  All Company : Visible to all company employees.
                  By Department : It will be visible to the selected departments.
                  By Employee : It will be visible to selected employees.
                  By Employee Tag : It will be visible to the selected employee tag.
              Related Items : Users can relate Key Result, Objective, or both to Objective. Relation is purely for reporting purposes. According to the selection they make, they can make     related additions to the tree view opened at the bottom of the page.
              Key Result Progress : The Progress of Key Results under Objective is averaged and written in the Key Result Progress field. (Note: related calculations are given in the charts     below)
              Child Objectives Stat Button : Users can create new Objectives (Child Objective) under the related Objective.
              Key Result Stat Button : Users can create Key Result for the related Objective.

          CloudOffix - Support - OKR
          - Users can create Key Results by using the stat button in OKR or with Key Results menu item.
          - Users can view and edit the key results they have already created on the Key Result page and create a new key result by clicking the New button.

          CloudOffix - Support - Key Results
              Title: User can provide Title for the corresponding Key Result
              Related OKR : An OKR can be selected from the list to indicate which OKR the Key Result is under. Tip : If a Key Result is created by clicking the Key Results stat button in     the OKR, the Related OKR field is automatically filled with the related OKR.
              Description : Description can be given for Key Result.
              Owners : Owners can be selected for Key Result. The selected owners are also the employees who will update the key result via the Update KR button.
              Key Result Type : There are 5 different Key Result Types. The Key Result type is needed to determine how progress is measured.
                  Should Increase to : It aims to increase the given Initial value up to the Target value. So, for example, if Target: 10 and Initial: 6, we can make a sentence like; Should increase to 10.
                  Should Decrease to: Aims to decrease the given Initial value up to the Target value. So, for example, if Target: 10 and Initial: 26, we can make a sentence like; Should decrease to 10.
                  Should Stay Above: Aims for the given Initial value to be higher than the Target value. Critical value is the value that should definitely exceed. So, for example, if Target:10 and Critical: 6, a sentence like; Should stay above 10 and absolutely must be above 6.
                  Should Stay Below: Aims for the given Initial value to be less than the Target value. Critical value is the value that should definitely be smaller. So, for example, if Target:6 and Critical: 10, a sentence like; Should stay below 6 and absolutely must be below 10.
                  Achieved or Not: It is checked whether a status has been achieved. 
              Unit Type: The unit represents how your KR is accounted and expressed. If a unit does not exist in the drop-down menu, you can create a custom one, such as CHF or page visits. Custom Units are located under the Configuration menu.
              Initial Number: This is the starting point from which your KR will be measured.
              Target Number: The target number represents what you want to achieve. 
              Critical Number: The critical number determines the values within which the KR is measured.. For example you want to decrease complaints to 5 per month ('Target number' = 5), while the maximum complaints that you can accept per month is 10 ('Critical target' = 10). In this case, your KR will be measured between 10 and 5.
              Deadline : If you wish, you can choose a custom deadline. The default deadline for the KR is the end of this session. After the deadline, users will no longer be able to update this KR. If Hard Deadline is selected, Key Result cannot be updated after the deadline.

          CloudOffix - Support - OKRs

          - After making all these adjustments, users can start the process by using the start session button on the relevant session. In order to achieve their goals, they can use the "Update KR" button when they want to progress on the key results they have set. The fields on the pop-up that opens after clicking the button are as follows:

              Name : Automatically filled with the name of the related KR.
              Note : A note can be written about the KR change
              Date of Update : Automatically filled with the day the change was made.
              New Value : The new value that KR has changed is written. For example, if we consider the scenario in the screenshot below; "Watch 100 early entry recordings and summarize learnings" While 5 is set as the Initial Value in the Key Result, the Owner     wanted to update the KR by writing as Note that he watched 5 more recordings. In this case, since the last value is 10 in total, the New Value value becomes 10.

          CloudOffix - Support - OKRs
              Confidence Level: Enter the confidence level whether the KR will be successful or not. It can be used for reporting purposes.
              Update Information : It is an information field that writes the current value and target value. In the example in the screenshot below, "Current value is 5, Should increase to 100" is an Update Information 

          - After updating KRs, users can follow their progress from the progress bars. For each Key Result Type, different calculations are available.
          - Users can track key result progress, child objective and Key Result & Child Objective progress, if any, via OKR form.

          CloudOffix - Support - OKR Sessions
          CloudOffix - Support - OKR Sessions
          The progress calculations are as in the diagram below.

          CloudOffix - Support - OKR Diagram
          Tip : The first time a Key Result is updated using the Update KR button, its State automatically changes from Draft to In Progress. As soon as its Progress reaches 100%, it switches to Closed.