Streamlining Resource Allocation and Optimization

Resource Allocation and Management

Nesli Han Diken

Streamlining Resource Allocation and Optimization

Resource Allocation and Management

23 Kasım 2023 , New Features

In our Project Cloud, we've introduced an advanced Resource Allocation and Management  feature to enhance the efficiency of your project resource allocation. This feature is  designed to provide comprehensive oversight and control of resource allocation, ensuring that you can make the most of your available workforce and meet project demands effectively.

Efficient Resource Management 

The resource overview table visualizes the tasks assigned to employees, making it easy to track their workload and availability. Users can instantly check resource availability, enabling more efficient allocation. Selecting appropriate time slots and assigning resources to available employees is made simple.

CloudOffix - Efficient Resource Management

Tip: Vacations and public holidays are factored in when determining resource availability, ensuring accuracy.

Users can make assignments for relevant projects by selecting suitable time slots from the Resource Overview Table. Duration is automatically calculated based on the selected  dates, optimizing resource allocation. Total hours are determined by subtracting leaves, and public holidays from the allocated hours, ensuring accurate resource planning.

With this Resource Allocation and Management feature, you can ensure that your projects are staffed optimally and that resources are allocated efficiently. It's a game-changer for resource allocation and project management, ensuring that you can deliver projects on time and within budget.