Public User

Access Rights Restriction

Nesli Han Diken

Public User

Access Rights Restriction

20 Mayıs 2024 , New Features

CloudOffix introduces miscellaneous developments, including access rights restrictions to prevent overlapping user access, ensuring better security and data integrity within the system.


•    Access Rights Restriction:
Enhances data security and access control by preventing users from simultaneously having Public, Portal, and Employee access rights, reducing the risk of unauthorized data access or exposure.

How it works ?
-    Click on Settings App from Administration
CloudOffix - Access Rights Restriction
-    Open user list by clicking Users menu item from Users&Companies Menu.

CloudOffix - Users&Companies Menu
 -    Create a new user by clicking New button. (By the way, you can reproduce the scenario by editing an existing user.)
-    After grant the user Employee/Employee and Portal access rights at the same time.
-    You will get an error when you try to save changes with these rights.
CloudOffix - Warning